Showing posts with label dunwich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dunwich. Show all posts

21 Feb 2013

Meet the Dunwich horror!

My very own air-drying clay sculpt of Dunwich horror was inspired by, surprise surprise "Dunwich horror" tale, written by Lovecraft. It is a cosmic beast that lives in the Whateley farm I've shown you few posts back. As you could see, the farm had no inner walls...those had to be demolished to give the beast enough space to live! Also, you could see a wooden ram leading to 2nd story. This was to lead the cattle upstairs to feed the beast, when it was small enough to "only" fill one story.

I have painted it green, which appears to be wrong choice, but I didn't want to have yet another skin-tonned monster in my collection. I have painted it bulgy eyes as I was just painint fishmen's eyes (will be shown in next post!). That tentacle tongue is my add-on, figured there is never too many tentacles! All together it is a bit of a rush job, could be done better and it might as well be done worse. I had some problems with the size, as it should be "bigger'n  a barn", but I figured that shows that just as good. I must say my eyes hurt every time I see those big bulgy eyes...MONSTROSITY!

In game, I planned to use it as a "godling" which is their designation for Cthulhu, until I get reaper bones' plastic cthulhu (I've made a deal with someone to get it for me and I hope the deal still stands!). As Shocking tales 3 supplement book for Strange Aeons includes rules for "real" Dunwich horror, I can use it there, too!

UPDATE: More I looked at it, more I disliked the green, so I've repainted it in grays. I've added new pictures below the original so you can see the difference.

Thanks for looking,

29 Nov 2012

Dunwich Horror sculpt finished?


I've been working on my Dunwich horror sculpt some more. I think I can say its finished, but I am not too satisfied with the little eyes on the sides of the "head". But well, I've decided I'll sculpt it all from air-drying clay so theres a limit to the details.

I had some clay extra already outside, so I made an overly common mistake and kept sculpting, At first I planned to drill holes and put wire in the tentacles, but then I've just rolled the putty and put it on the body. Now, one has already fallen off (which was expected, to be honest), and I was wondering...should I just cover whole sculpt in dilluted pva, then paint it, or just paint and varnish it, gluing anything that falls off when it does?

Thanks for help and hope you like it,

4 Nov 2012

Dunwich Village WIP


following the post, where I've shown you the Dunwich horror, it is only naturally to show you Dunwich itself.

It is a very limited in terms of buildings so far, but after I'd make a little shed or something, It could easily fill whole 2x3 table, used for Strange Aeons and not look too crowded.

One day I was searching for Lovecraft's books in slovenian libraries and I was thrilled to see our local library actually has one! I've borrowed it and read it. At first, it was kinda silly to read in slovenian after I've listened to english audiobooks, but as Lovecraft is somewhat hard to read, it started to be quite pleasant when I kept reading. In the book I noticed they kept talking about some weird roofs, so I went to check the english verison (you can find everything on google, but even more so, if you search for english words!), and found out the roofs are supposed to be "gambrel". Internet permitting me, I've turned into an architect and schoolar of New Englands colonial architecture over night. Or so I hoped.

However, I've cut two "gambrel houses" out of foam board and glued them together. Then I've figured two houses would be boring, so I made one into a barn.

I've covered it in popsickle sticks I had laying around. I really like the sticks as they're bigger and wider than coffee stirrers, but my hand was aching for two days after I've made the building, from cutting the hard wood with nothing but my olfa, or "stanley" knife.

Here are some pictures:
 Roof needs to be done, but I have to make a visit to an art shop for some thicker paper...or you guys got any better idea of what could be used for the basis of the roofs?
 Front entrance, I am still debating if I should make a door or not...any suggestions?
The barn would be filled with barrels of ...erhm...lemonade. Every terrorist group (sorry, cultists, Im attending lectures on terrorism :P), needs financing. Nothing works better than alcohol in times of prohibition!
 Back side, mostly identical to the front, but minus the doors.
 I got two "stands" for upper floor. They can be put one to each window or both together. They will be accessible trough a ladder.
 Here is our little hero (still unpainted!) for scale.
 And again.

Below is an exact same building, regarding the foam core, but it is otherwise different. It is representing an old colonial "barn house", as Dunwich was said to be the oldest village in 30 miles radius or something. It is covered in the infamous coffee stirrers. Yes sir, you are correct! I have finally tracked the wooden buggers down in Ljubljana! At 6,5 euros per 1,000 I am still debating if that is cheap, but well, I got them now. Covering a house in planks ended with a pleasant result, but I still prefer popsickle sticks for my barn. 
 Here is the back door.

 And front entrance. I've left some planks sticking out and such, for some variety. It is supposed to be half thorn down anyways!

 Agent Raymond has heard strange voices inside....
 ...and outside! YIKES!

For the end, here is an old Whateley's farm. I was really happy with it, until the sand I've covered it in has dried. I am REALLY REALLY sorry I didn't cover it all in coffee stirrers. It would take quite some time, but it would look fantastic!

I went for the sand because of the large area. The problem is, the front entrance looks way too boring I think it at least needs a little roof above the door to make some details around the entrance.

If you don't know the story, Whateley's farm is a large, old farm with peaked roof. Here lived an old wizard, his daugther and later two spawns of Yog sothoth. One, Wilbur was shown to the public. His "twin brother", later known as the Dunwich horror was not. In the story, there are indications that it was locked in a barn. Later Whateley has built a ramp, leading to the door (that were made out of window) on the 1st (as in 2nd) floor. Whole floor had its internal walls demolished and was boarded up. When Whateley died, Wilbur has moved to a shed and boarded up whole of the farm, destorying all the internal walls. This is what my model represents.
 Here you can see the building with agent Raymond for scale. I haven't boarded up all windows for some variety. The boarded ones can be played as normal windows, boarded, or giving concealment etc.
 One side of the farm, nothing special about it.

 In the book, it is said the farm was built into a rocky cliff. This was represented by those rocks, covering the back side. The terrace Raymond is standing on way my own addition, to compensate for lack of windows on this side, making model more interesting in the gaming sense.

 This is the most interesting side, where you can see the ramp, leading too improvised door. As said, I've also made a connection to the terrace behind a building.
 An overview of the inside. I've build three remains of the 1st floor, accessible by ramp and then jumping. Be careful, though, if a model standing on such a limited space is shot by a shotgun, he can fall off!
 Here is a set up picture. As you can see, Raymond has climbed the weird ramp and held his lamp to see what lurks inside!

And all together for the end:

Yet again, thanks for looking. If you got any suggestions on how to make the buildings better, please feel free to share!


2 Nov 2012

The horror, jungle and some more


last few weeks I've been working on quite some projects. Today I'll show you my Dunwich horror sculpt (from H.P. Lovecraft's story of the same name), some jungle bits and such. In few days, I'll show you my Dunwich buildings I've been working on.

Dunwich horror

This spawn of Yog Sothoth is rougly egg shapped, bigger than barn, kind of centipede monster covered in tentacles and mouth. On top he has old Whateley's face.
This is my first attempt:

 Later I've figured his face could be upright...I don't know why I automatically thought it'd be shaped as an egg in laying position. So, because it was also way too low (see the scale picture), I've cut the face and repositioned it. This is where I am now:

 One day, when the mojo strikes, I'll slowly start reshaping his legs, one by one. Then I'll cover him in tentacles and some eyes and so on. I hope he will be joined by his twin brother and his mother, I already got hasslefree's old man to be his grandfather .P

I've also finally took the time to paint the sand bags I've made eons ago:

And I've put some plastic plants on my jungle terrain bases. It needs flocking, which I still got to buy, as I only got the "straw" color. I will flock them all at once then, as it produces quite a mess.

Lastly, I call my dimensional shambler done now. I will put some sand on his base and paint him now:

Thanks for looking,
