Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts

21 Sept 2013



I've painted my TAG SWATs to try and restart my Zombie project. Those are by far my favorite TAG modern models..those exact ones with gasmasks. It might surprise you that I had them for quite a while...probably around a year or so? Anyways, I've finally settled for grey-black scheme as there is nothing I find more boring than completely black miniatures. While they do look great, they also kinda look boring, as it's all one big blob of black.

Unfortunately my painting mojo was really on low level, but in the end, I think they've came out just fine.

The pack is SWATs with gasmask + sniper is a SWAT sniper freebie I've got as my order was large enough. They're mostly armed with MP5, but there is one shotgun. Oh, there is a guy with a pistol, too. Sniper has .50 cal, which isn't made to shoot people with (not that you can't, though!), so that's a bit exaggerated. I would be more happy with something less hurtful but visually more appealing :P.

Here is the basic set in "combat" poses:

 And a close up on one of them. Again, they're basically all the same - uniformed personnel after all.

They'll be useful as your zombie heroes, but probably also in my modern games, in 1991 police special forces assisted military units, so if I'd game grand scale WW3 invasion, they could be used as a "back up" to break the monotony of proper soldiers.

Talking of proper soldiers, my weapons are slowly progressing (I do at least something every day...cut and sand if nothing else), but I'm not taking any photos as...err...too lazy to go get the camera to be honest. I'll photo them in the end, unless I'll need a "filler post" to show some WIP again, as this is all I do hobby wise lately.

Thanks for looking,

14 Jul 2013

Female survivors


I've finally got to it and finished first 28mm survivors I've managed to get for my zombie project.
You can see unboxing post here. I had quite some problems with them (it started even before I got them due to LGS mishap and it only got worse) and while I think they're not bad miniatures, they're somewhat sci-fish and they wouldn't be my first choice. They needed quite some cleaning up, if I remember correctly, but now that they're all painted they look quite nice.

I have painted the rest before (I have one male as it was packed wrongly and I got the right miniature from them eventually) and I've taken some group shots that you can see below.

I've learned quite few things while I was painting those, most notably I'm sick of greys and blacks I used to love that much :D.

 So, first miniature is highly converted. Gun was cut of, right arm repositioned and TAG flamethrower was placed in her hand. Apparently, because flamethrower is just like a chainsaw, you got to have one! Pipe is just a brass springy wire. Second one only had wire inserted in her right hand and sculpted to roughly present a dagger. I wanted as many survivors as possible to carry melee weapons so thats about it.

 Not much to say about miniatures themselves. I am quite happy with the result, yet I can't lose the feeling they were a rush job (that took me week to finish -.-)...I just can't get myself to enjoy painting at the moment. Perhaps I should put some plastic zeds together while I wait for my mojo to come back.

Below is a group shot with blurry WIP sculpts that have also came to an unfortunate standstill. Apart from two girls shown today, only a guy is converted (got a pistol in his right hand). 

All in all it isn't too much of a work done, but considering how limited my survivors range is, I am over half done! I got more much more painted (and to paint) for Strange Aeons, for example...if we don't count the zombies!

Thanks for looking,

25 Mar 2013

The Assault Group Tudor kickstarter!


a bit late, but as I feel I will owe one to Peter from The Assault Group for life, I'd like to give you heads up on his Kickstarter project.

It is a project to fund Tudor range (check the awesome Henry! :D), but as I wouldn't expect many of my followers to be interested in this period, there is also an option to pledge and get anything from their existing range (details here)

It is a historical company, but there are plenty useful miniatures for zombie wargaming. Check their modern ranges for SWAT, modern armies and somalis, mafia and african miniatures for your regular survivors.

You can click here:

and see my TAG related posts. If you scroll down you will see an african with an SMG. He was converted into our own Lord Siwoc from Brains and Guts. I'd seek out a pic he has posted for you, but as he hasn't have a calendar (fix that mate!), it is a black abyss!

So, hopefully that has helped some of the kickstarter enthusiasts find new miniatures!