Showing posts with label Ebob Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ebob Miniatures. Show all posts

16 Sept 2013

More mail!

Well, I was honestly painting in the past week (finished 2 posts worth of miniatures, 9 in total!), but as parcels are raining here lately, I'll show the painted stuff in following posts!

First, few days after Brummie's parcel, my order from Ebob arrived. It had (what he calls) "some extras" which materialised in bag full of useful stuff! I've ordered some dollies and sculpting tools for my grand sculpting project that has partly started with the conversion of the humvees. I've ordered dollies quite some time ago, I think it was between 3-4 weeks back, but I was let known it would take time as armatures were out of stock. As the one thing I have is time, the wait was no bother and I have to compliment Ebob once again as it was more than worth it. He has kindly sent me some of his AUGs he made for Skirmish Sangin to help me out as we were talking a bit about my project. There were loads of other bits that will be more than useful in the project. As I think doing a bit of advertising is the least I can do, feel free to check his store by clicking the image on the right. And while you're doing it, you should certainly check the Grekwood miniatures (under Ebob because of the alphabet order :P), Carl is another great guy to deal with and will, conveniently, also help me with my project. Talking of great guys, Lord Johnny Siwoc from Brains and guts! has sent me the prize I won by answering some simple question every true stalker knows (not sure if that is something to be proud about! :P). Well, to be honest, I haven't dealt with a gamer that wouldn't be a gentleman and half, so I should simply ask you to pay attention to my blog roll on the left, all great guys with awesome blogs! And I mean that without exaggeration.

So, time to brag, I suppose. This is what Johnny has sent me. Its the 3 miniatures from Ramshackle games that will make me start WWW II project (or acthung cthulhu type of games etc) and even a pair of socks...I'll carry them with my most open sandals! :D

I honestly love the colours, Johnny! As for miniatures, first one seems to be some kind of flame thrower guy, so that is what I'll paint him like. I am not exactly sure how to fit him in, but I'll find a role for him to play. Second miniature is a half naked chick climbing on a barrel for some reason. She'll get some proper military pants and a side cap. Then she can be anything from a mechanic (she holds a wrench) for tanks to mechanic for mechas or something. The last one, big guy is my favorite and one of the miniatures that made me remember the Ramshackle games the most. Now, I don't know for you, but he just screams a (failed, tbh) nazi Ubermensch warlord that came from the past to make someone suffer.  As soon as I get them converted and some painting mojo, those are first on the list to be painted!

As for that horrific secretly project I keep talking is my failed attempt to sculpt the assault rifles, as shown few posts back:
 And yes, this is how far I've actually came. And here they are being converted from AUG (still WIP ofc):

 There is actually third one as well, but I've figured once you've seen 2 you've seen them all. I started by working on only one, but later added other two as one needs better optics and other needs an underslung grenade launcher. The one on the left is at third stage of sculpting. I'm taking my time and adding little bits. First I've cut the guns (obviously) of the excess handles. Second was sculpting that little "bridge" you can see on the right gun. Third was filling the area between stock and magazine and fourth was added detailing to the stock. Next comes the hand grip, then the upper half of the body, after that probably a rail and optics and in the end I'll fill the gaps I might find.

 I'm also working on minimi (squad automatic weapon) conversion. Not much to show yet, but here you can see solid ammo box swapped for cloth pouch (I hope this is clear even from this photo)...only really difference is a zipper and a bit more rounded edges. I'm also working on adding a scope (harder than it might seem, honestly) and by now it has lost the stock and I'm building a new one, appropriate for minimi para variant.
Lastly, I'm working on RGW 90 "law", but that has came to a bit of a stand still as I know I have to cut it but I don't want to :D. The mental barriers are honestly the only problem you can encounter at sculpting. Once those are surpassed, everyone is a talented sculptor.  I am still searching for good poses for my first 4 miniatures, so I haven't yet started working on the bodies. If this (so modern soldiers if it's still unclear) is something you'd be interested in, feel free to add some ideas,

Thanks for looking yet once again,