Showing posts with label bomb tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bomb tech. Show all posts

20 Sept 2014

Bomb tech

Hello guys,

Before I start - no photos unfortunately, but I received the rest of my rifles earlier this week. I am already half way through converting one fire team. A GPMG team is almost done as well, it just need a bit of detailing and I can start painting it.
To fill my time (and to take some break from carving metal, it is not as enjoyable as I hoped it would be) I painted this bomb tech. He, as previously shown crew, will probably not see much gaming, but it is a great sculpt and was great fun to paint it.

Due to SAF reorganisation, our military bomb disposal unit was in a spot light in the military magazine few months back. One of the three suits available to the unit is the so-called EOD-9. This is apparently the best bomb suit in the world, so pretty much everyone has it. Including the guy from Hurtlocker film that this miniature probably copies.
Long story short, the helmet on the model was not all that correct, which gave me a nice chance to find something to convert on it!

 The one below is actually a police bomb tech, but the suit is still the same:

All I did to a miniature was cut the crest that held a visor in place and then add a tiny (filter?) box on the back of the head and two little lights in the front. I feel he is a bit scrawny, but I didn't dare try adding any new layers to his suit.
Before I get called a rivet counter, I can proudly say the box on the back of the helmet is VERY simple and probably a bit too small. And I didn't even sculpt the flaps over his shoes! In all fairness I forgot about them until the miniature was already painted.

I had great fun looking at the references, trying to match the black and green parts (and a tiny bit of red!). Influenced by Ebob's example on facebook, I took a step out of my comfort zone and decided to invest some extra time in painting his visor.
Mind the red! (go double check the first photo!)

While I still freely admit I am no expert painter, I got to say I was thrilled to see how it came out in the end. I am really happy with it and I can't wait to paint some basic fire teams so they can call a bomb squad in to defuse a bomb or something!

Thanks for looking,