Showing posts with label warlord games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warlord games. Show all posts

7 Dec 2014

Rebel GPMG team

Hello guys,

another short post today. I am still going strong with moderns and I finished insurgents machine gun team. It's supposedly representing a Zastava M84 machine gun (or soviet PK if you prefer). I converted it from BAR gun, so it's not the best, but it looks suitably generic. Gunner is from Warlord games US Marines sprue, while assistant gunner is from the same company, German Infantry sprue. There is little need for prone figures, but they do work well for machine gunners, I'd say. It is a perfect counterpart to Slovene MAG team I painted a while ago.

It can't be seen clearly on my bad photos, but the assistant gunner carries an AK with folding stock. Here known as M70AB2 (and produced by Zastava), it used to be a standard issue rifle in Slovenian army prior to introduction of FN F2000S. As far as wargaming goes, I just wanted to model a folded stock for a change.
 They both use same camouflage pattern jackets, but the gunner also has Chinese "cloud" pattern pants. They came out horribly wrong and it looks like he is either a weekend clown or still in his pyjamas!

Thanks for looking,

4 Oct 2014


Oh my!

New Evergreen Revolution Army (New ERA - working title!)'s propaganda machine has been successful in recruiting a local sharpshooter/hunter/FPS gamer. Equiped with a smelly set of fatigues and a scoped rifle, he is determined to bring terror to the Evergreen governmental forces and anyone foolish enough to support them!

EGF fire team pinned down by a sniper.
And the guy himself:
He was built from Warlord USMC spree (just as the members of the fire team he is shooting at!). He is actually armed with a Garand rifle, but I can't call it that as I've painted it wrong (the bottom barrel end is painted as wood if anyone cares about such details). I added him a scope, which is why the scope itself is a bit crooked.

I am very happy with how it turned out, except for the wrapped head. It has too "middle eastern" vibe to it. I was aware of that when I was sculpting him, but as his head underwent a lobotomy, this was the best way to hide the result of an amateur surgical operation.

In other news, I am almost done with the painting of a Slovene GPMG team. More on that when it gets done!


16 Jul 2014

Evergreen armed forces fire team

Hello guys,

It took me a bit longer than expected, but I have finally finished painting a fire team, belonging to Evergreen armed forces (or whichever other, for that matter).

They are based on Warlord games USMC, which are nice miniatures by themselves, but very "heroic". As I am mostly dealing with WGF and Studio miniatures plastics, I must say I was a bit surprised by their size (which, I suppose, is a good thing).

I was showing WIP photos before, but in general, they got weapon swaps and had body armour sculpted, the rest is straight from the box.

As you can see on the photo above, the fire team is pretty basic. There are two riflemen, a grenadier and a LMG support gunner. I decided to give them those Yugoslav lizard pattern uniforms, complimented by donated US woodland vests and helmet covers. They are armed with old surplus weaponry. This "poor" look to them doesn't really fit my idea of Evergreen Fields being a flourishing tourist resort (as it is in my idea of a zombie campaign), but it fits a coup d'etat better.

I might let you know I photographed them 3-4 times, but the photos always came out weird. Those are best I could come up with.

Below are a "leader" rifleman and a grenadier.  Not much to add, they are both armed with M16s, while grenadier guys carries a horrible conversion of M79. Underslung GLs are fine and all, but I particularly wanted a separate one for those guys. I would prefer a more modern version, but this one was much easy to make.

Different camouflage pattern is particularly visible on the back photos. As usual, they are very glossy, but I am honestly using a mat varnish to seal the paintjobs.
Below are a rifleman and a "SAW" gunner. Rifleman is armed with an M16, as usual, and support gunner has one of the million modernised versions of inglorious MG42.

Not much else to add, I might mention I went full lazy on those and I didn't even bother covering the gaiters, I just painted them black and called it a day.


Buying those was more or less an impulsive buy (sprues were 50% off) and they will be used with my other modern forces as a lesser quality local troops. So, basically for variation.
I could do better job at converting (just look at MG42 guy's left shoulder joint) and especially at painting, the two camouflages should be strikingly different, but it didn't exactly caem out as expected. Other than that, they are more than suitable for what they are.

In other news, I am going on vacation for the next fortnight. I am going to visit my two favorite Georides, and I might meet Vampifan and Zabadak while I am at it, as well :D.
My converted versions of  F2000S' have been sent for casting and I have more Empress miniatures waiting for me, so I will have a lot of work to keep me busy through the August.

As  usual,

thanks for looking!


15 Jun 2014

Slowly creeping forward...

Hello guys,

In past few weeks, I came to a conclusion that sculpting my own Slovenian soldiers would take too long - assuming I could even keep the motivation going for so long! This doesn't mean I wouldn't want to have some miniatures representing them, however. I've looked through my options and decided to convert Empress US infantry to represent Slovenes. Converting instead of sculpting should let me build a sizeable force much faster once I get the guns duplicated and as I only have to swap the weapons, they will hopefully still look superb once painted. I'm a bit reluctant to think I'd have to cut those lovely miniatures, but I hope the end result will be worth it.

Miniatures would need weapons swapped (obviously), and vests are all wrong, but helmet's shape seems fitting. I plan to add some more straps to the helmets (to stuck foliage in), fill the tiny holes in the helmet covers and perhaps add a pouch or two to the vests - but other wise keep them as they are. I am trying to find the right balance between the right looking equipment and keeping my sanity.

Below are some random pics I snatch from the internet to give you an idea of what I'm after.

Patrol in Afghanistan (our troops are all over the world, but in low numbers). They got custom vests (government issued are not particularly admired :P) and wear old pattern desert camo. Mind the translator!
The one below is from training with 8x8 Svarun (Patria AMV, huge problems with those because of high-ranking officials corruption):
And some other random photos of the old camo:

 There's alos one with new camo. It's a variant of multicam, Slocam. This is the first photo I've seen so far that is actually using the helmet cover in the same pattern.

 And below are the Empress miniatures I got so far. I actually haven't yet bought a normal fire team as I'd like to buy them in a bundle, but not before I have those ready. From left to right are two British helicopter pilots (to become Slovene pilots or even an APC crewmen); EOD disposal team. I don't really need the suit, but it's by far my favorite miniature. So cool.  I'll probably do some filing on his helmet to make it more similar to what we're using, but might as well keep it as it is. And then there's support team with a sniper, AT4 and M240 machine gun. The idea is to use 4 guys with rifles and make a fire team of them. I'll keep M240 as it is, but I had some ideas of cutting off the barrel and swapping it for a normal one. We use FN MAG which is essentially the same MG, but without protection sleeve above the barrel. I will not be using this sniper, as I plan to buy a pack with another one, but I could use a fireteam - can never have too many of those.

 Below is a close up on M240. So what bothers me is that perforated metal sheet thingie above the first half of the barrel. I am not sure it bothers me enough to make it worth ruining the machine gun, though.
 Light anti tank weapon we're using is RGW90. Below is my sculpt compared to AT4. It needs some redoing, as they should be the same size. I think their AT4 is tad too short, but mine is still too long. I'll probably shorten it a bit and then attach it to one some of the soldiers.
 Below is a bad photo of my sniper. I think I am making it too large now, so I have to rethink it a bit. It certainly needs to be polished, I'm not at all happy with the magazine.
 Lastly, a comparison between Empress US soldier and my sculpts, based on EBob armature (with EBob Chinese head blutacked). After I've decided to use Empress miniatures for basis of my conversions, I had 4 half done bodies left over. I will be using them for something, so they don't go to waste.
This one will be a translator. I wanted to make him look chilled out, with arms tucked in his armour, but it didn't quite want to work that way, so I had to adjust a bit. I'll give him an AK eventually. He is a bit bulky, but shouldn't be too bad.
And to show I was really working on thing in the past week, here are Warlord games USMC converted to Evergreen army fire team and two to insurgents' support. I also built WW2 Germans, but those are straight from the box so I didn't take any photos.
Evergreen seems to be an underdeveloped country (Evergreen Fields in my zombie games is a paradise island resort, so shouldn't be poor!). Their soldiers are still using old steel helmets (sort of like India and Pakistan). They were supplied by US, hence the M16s. One guy in  the team is armed with an LMG - Yugoslav M53, based on good old M42. Germans are (were until lately?) still using them, so they have to be good :D. Lastly, inspired by Brummie suggestion, I've decided to give bombardier an M79 grenade launcher. I would prefer something modern, but the idea with using shotgun was really so fantastic I just went with it. As you can see, he is just reloading his weapon for another shot.

To end with today's post, insurgents WIP:

As usual, thanks for looking!


8 Jun 2014

Warlord games sprues arrived!

 Hello guys,

It's been a busy week here so I didn't get much hobby stuff done. My Warlord games parcel arrived however and I started working on some of them.

As I got nothing better to post about, I figured I'd give you some info on yet more "subprojects" I plan to start sooner or later.

Firstly, you can see a sprue of "Blitzkrieg Germans" (Early war) and a German weapons sprue down below.
Nothing fancy here. At 50% off, those seem like a reasonable purchase to use in my SA, Pulp (yes,I'd play pulp era one day :P) and WWWII games. I got some other things laying around I could use for weird war, so some random Germans seemed appropriate. I also bought a weapons sprue, mainly for MG42, but I've only used MG32 so far.

Looking at the available sprues, I also figured I could make a sprue of Celts work. I will convert them to represent dark age warriors for my Carantania fantasy project. I haven't done much since last WIP post in that direction, but well, at least now I will have a chance to put together some heroes. I should paint my dog soldiers, that'll bring my enthusiasm back!

My moderns mojo is still going strong, so this where my main focus is lately. When I was making an order, I had to make sure to keep it over 10 pounds to qualify for a cheaper postage (I hate postage :D). I didn't want to just buy some random stuff either, so after a short consideration, I decided to buy me a sprue of WW2 USMC. I will convert them to Evergreen army to tag along with the good guys and be generally useless and reluctant. I am sorry I didn't bought at least another sprue now that I am working on them and I think I could use more :D.

Below is the progress I've made so far. To the left side (greenstuffed) are 4  members of the "good guys" fire team. The first idea was to arm them with AKs, but as those are so precious, I went with "american provided" M16s and MG3/MG53 for a support gunner. For the latter, I simply used MG34 and made it a tad more "rectangular".  It can't be seen clearly, but one of the riflemen will also carry a drum loaded semi automatic GL from WGF survivors sprue to act as a grenadier. I'd prefer to sculpt a one shot kind (like M79, but a tad more modern - CIS 40 GL), but I can't be bothered by it right now as I got lots of other weapons started.

Other two bodies (prone and kneeling) will be devoted to insurgents' cause. One will be a sniper and BAR gunner will be converted to a PK GPMG gunner to give them some extra firepower. I hope I can manage to finish those (pre-paint) by mid week!

Lastly, here is a shot of new take on that sniper I was showing few posts back. From bottom up:
old version, new version, .50 sniper (hardly started).

That's it for today unfortunately, but surely I'll be able to show better stuff next time!

Thanks for looking,