Showing posts with label sniper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sniper. Show all posts

4 Oct 2014


Oh my!

New Evergreen Revolution Army (New ERA - working title!)'s propaganda machine has been successful in recruiting a local sharpshooter/hunter/FPS gamer. Equiped with a smelly set of fatigues and a scoped rifle, he is determined to bring terror to the Evergreen governmental forces and anyone foolish enough to support them!

EGF fire team pinned down by a sniper.
And the guy himself:
He was built from Warlord USMC spree (just as the members of the fire team he is shooting at!). He is actually armed with a Garand rifle, but I can't call it that as I've painted it wrong (the bottom barrel end is painted as wood if anyone cares about such details). I added him a scope, which is why the scope itself is a bit crooked.

I am very happy with how it turned out, except for the wrapped head. It has too "middle eastern" vibe to it. I was aware of that when I was sculpting him, but as his head underwent a lobotomy, this was the best way to hide the result of an amateur surgical operation.

In other news, I am almost done with the painting of a Slovene GPMG team. More on that when it gets done!
