Showing posts with label Horrorclix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horrorclix. Show all posts

5 Mar 2016

Meet Kresnik!

Hello guys,

Almost 2 years ago - I checked the blog history - I started converting Horrorclix's Fiend (Frankenstein monster) into a Kersnik, a local Slavic pagan (demi)god. .

To refresh your memory, influenced by SAGA and 7th Voyage that were both really popular back then, I decided to start a project, where wandering pagan party - consisting of nothing but heroes, of course - would fight the creatures of the lore with the intention of saving a damsel in distress or performing a similarly important deed. Equally, the mythos creatures could be used in games of Strange Aeons and would give me something to sculpt and convert. Evidently, the project didn't live long, but as I am clearing my old stuff, I decided to restart it.

Kresnik is the most common god (or semi-god) in Slovenian mythology, so he was an obvious choice for my god on earth. It appears to be a very localised deity, only known in Slovenia and parts of Croatia.
Mythos wise, he is a rather complicated character and it is believed that Kresnik is either Perun himself (kind of a Slavic Thor); that his brother, named Trot is Perun; that Kresnik is Perun's son.

As omnipotent gods would not be any kind of fun to game with, I decided to go with the semi-god option. Thus, Kresnik is a "Hercules" type of character, a son of Perun and mortal. As the luck would have it, it is believed that Kresnik did the 12 deeds, too!
According to the legend, the Son of lightning Kresnik was carried by his mother for whole nine years.  He was close to the people and in some versions, every village had a Kresnik of their own, protecting them from foul creatures and being that would want to hurt them or humanity. Those include, but are not limited to: Veles (Perun's arch nemesis), dragons, giant snakes, giant snake queens, false Kresniks (these are the worst!), vampires, cynocephali, centaurs etc etc.
Kresnik is not immortal and can die, but always returns to the world.

He has the arms and hair of gold and carries an axe, mace, lightning bolt or a knife. 

At first I had high plans of sculpting my own, but I've decided to simply convert Horrorclix's The fiend instead. I got him a veeeeery long time ago from Vampifan - THANKS AGAIN!

The fiend is taller than ordinary human being, being almost 50mm tall, so he was perfect candidate for a god on Earth. I've cut him off his base and cleaned him up a bit. I've cut off the shackles, cleaned up the nails in his spine and made some other surgical tasks, before giving him a nice shirt, girly long hair and a manly beard.

Below is an eons old photo of him, before he was equipped with the second axe as well. If I am not mistaken, his hair were slightly retouched, as was his shirt, but no major work was done.

Then I left him in my drawer, forgotten until last week. To paint him, I went with a simple linen shirt that is these days associated with the pagan Slavs. Those are very popular in Russia and Ukraine, which is where Slovene "neo pagans" imported them from. I do not recall reading about them being worn here. I would presume 6th century Alpine Slavs would wear woolen clothes, but the combination of white and red was too good too pass.

 I armed him with two axes and gave NMM Gold a try. It didn't succeed and now he looks like a member of the Simpsons family.
 The painting was straightforward and I dropped all the ideas of energy flow shown passing through his eyes and/or axes. Now, he could also be used as a generic giant. He is mounted on a 40mm base and is shown with a flabbergasted explorer down below:

There is little to add, I have to paint a group of the most evil creatures imaginable and then I will get back to finishing sculpting other projects.

Thanks for looking,

29 Jun 2013

Meet the King in Yellow!


last of the three Horrorclix repaints I've done in that one batch. This one is a bit more converted and fully repainted. It is a conversion of Gypsy seer (not my image). I have cut his headgear, sculpted a hood, done some work on his sleeves (at hands, they're more loose now) and I've covered tassels on the scarf he had around his body.

In Strange Aeons, I will use him as a "high priest", generic wizard, or as the King in Yellow when I'll play that specific scenario (the King can only be summoned in one particular scenario that needs special props). I must say I really like this miniature, especially the two accompanying spirits. Yellow worked quite well. I was thinking I should paint that scarf in some other color for some contrast, but I really liked that yellow, so I've kept it :P. I have painted some mud on the edge of the cloak, but it didn't really work too well.

Not much else to say about it, so see you next time!

25 Jun 2013

Meet a Mummy!

Before I start- 20,000 hits! THANKS GUYS! It is but a minor milestone, but a milestone nonetheless! Next goal - a million! :D

Today is my little country's 22th Birthday. I wanted to make a bit bigger post about it, but to keep things hobby related, I've decided not to. If anyone is interested there is an "okay" article about our War of independence on Wiki. I'd just let you know I'd be more than happy to chit chat about it on private, if anyone is interested :P.

Back to hobby, not much has been done lately. I am doing some basing and a bit of painting, but luckily I got this and one other post prepared from a while ago!

Got another horrorclix "repaint" for you today. It is a mummy. Comes in handy in Strange Aeons and I really like this sculpt. Actually I am really into lots of horrorclix stuff from the sculpt perspective, as they're very original. This one carries a sarcophagus with it!

There isn't much I can say about it, I tried washing and drybrushing the mummy and its sarcophagus, but it didn't really work out. So the biggest change I've made is pain the glow on the eyes. I am thinking about making a net on the sarcophagus from UHU glue strings or something, but I am not sure yet. It is based on 30mm base and that is about it.

As usual, here is a daring shot of explorer finding the reanimated Pharaoh! Had my painting skills been better, I'm sure you'd think it is from the movie!

Thanks again for all the support, just posting this post gives me a little boost to go finish what's on my painting table!


20 Jun 2013

Meet Bertha!


before we move on to lovely miniature that Bertha is, I'd just like to thank everyone that has ever found interest in my posts and even more so to people that regularly read my posts and comment on them. It really is appreciated and helps me slowly work on my projects. While I like converting and sculpting, I need a real kick to get things actually painted. I would also like to mention Brummie's pimping post and let you all know you've got it wrong. Brummie is a popular lad and sending him a little something was a step closer to WORLD DOMINATION! Hra hra hra (evil laugh)!

Anyways, I've been repainting (some more than others) horrorclix miniatures I got at Vampifans (hope you're holding on up there mate!). I've got three done that I'll show in separate posts, again, to keep up with my Strange Aeons bestiary "format".

Bertha will be used as a blasphemous construct, i.e. big zombie. And big she is. Also not at all feminine and quite disturbing. To make her fit better with my painting, I've decided to completely repaint here. I am not much of a painter and painting her was a huge fun (pun intended)!

Apart from being as hilariously gross as an obese naked undead can be, she also holds a cleaver - she is taking "Femme fatale" to a whole new level!
Nothing special on her front, some exposed skin (groovy!), a bib and thats about it.

It appears she sat somewhere else before, judging by a stuck lollipop, mmm cherry!
I've painted the ooze yellowish green for some added "eww" effect. As any true zombie, she was finished with a coat of TCR!

Below, a brave agent's hair rise as he sees the construct in the dark...YIKES!

Thanks for looking,