Showing posts with label Urban war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urban war. Show all posts

14 Jul 2013

Female survivors


I've finally got to it and finished first 28mm survivors I've managed to get for my zombie project.
You can see unboxing post here. I had quite some problems with them (it started even before I got them due to LGS mishap and it only got worse) and while I think they're not bad miniatures, they're somewhat sci-fish and they wouldn't be my first choice. They needed quite some cleaning up, if I remember correctly, but now that they're all painted they look quite nice.

I have painted the rest before (I have one male as it was packed wrongly and I got the right miniature from them eventually) and I've taken some group shots that you can see below.

I've learned quite few things while I was painting those, most notably I'm sick of greys and blacks I used to love that much :D.

 So, first miniature is highly converted. Gun was cut of, right arm repositioned and TAG flamethrower was placed in her hand. Apparently, because flamethrower is just like a chainsaw, you got to have one! Pipe is just a brass springy wire. Second one only had wire inserted in her right hand and sculpted to roughly present a dagger. I wanted as many survivors as possible to carry melee weapons so thats about it.

 Not much to say about miniatures themselves. I am quite happy with the result, yet I can't lose the feeling they were a rush job (that took me week to finish -.-)...I just can't get myself to enjoy painting at the moment. Perhaps I should put some plastic zeds together while I wait for my mojo to come back.

Below is a group shot with blurry WIP sculpts that have also came to an unfortunate standstill. Apart from two girls shown today, only a guy is converted (got a pistol in his right hand). 

All in all it isn't too much of a work done, but considering how limited my survivors range is, I am over half done! I got more much more painted (and to paint) for Strange Aeons, for example...if we don't count the zombies!

Thanks for looking,

2 May 2012

First survivors spotted!

When I bought my Urban war female militia with pistols, I've got one guy instead of girl. I wrote about it to Urban war, and after quite some time (my mail went in their junk, but the guy apologized like 3 times or so :P), I've got it. It was one of my favorites, but isn't any more. When my brother and I played On the road scenario (short report with few findings to follow some other day next month, when I won't have time to do anything but want to keep posting), he was playing with those 3 miniatures. The "lost girl" was his sheeple, because he voted her the ugliest :P.

To show you what I mean, here are two pictures of my (first!) 3 survivors:

They don't have the names yet, but when we played they were named Tanya, Sonya and Alex(andra). There is no extensive thinking behind the pickings. We wanted to name them for the laughs and my brother figured the first one (so Tanya) looks like a russian (no offense here ;) ) so they were all Eastern Europeans. From left to right:
Tanya wears red and black combination and is my hands-down favorite from those three. I've tried to give her latex boots an imitation of gloss, but failed. Did gloss varnished her, tho, so half work done there! I hope you can see she has a patch over her eye. It looks uber cool to me, and no, it wasn't planned. I made a lifetime mistake of trying to paint the girl's eyes. My hand shook and I blew half of her face. So I just made her a patch, problem solved. She has the best face for it, from the 3, so I can call myself pretty lucky. As most of the figures, she is dressed in short skirt, to confuse the living and some kind of lether jacket.
Sonya, in the middle has black and red combination as well, but I've gave her green skirt and blonde hair. We don't want them all to look identical now, do we? Nothing else special, you can see the grey dots at the eyes, I am not trying to fix that anymore! I could do more work on her belt, but the thing is, I was working for 3 days on those 3, because I lack the time (lots to do by the end of the week :( ).
Alex is the one that came late. You can see she is quite muscular, which isn't weird, considering she carries this huge pistol. I wanted to get more constrast between her top and pants, but kind of failed. I did gave her red all star converse shoes, which are quite a lovely touch!

Let that be all for today. I am surprisingly brief, but honestly, I've been typing for 3 days now about IAEA and intelligence's role on countering terrorism, so I hate my keyboard a bit at the moment, hehe.

I could also tell you I got drafted a little "thinking post" for my said I will post it some day next month and it will include few short ideas and a to-do list (very shortened, I may add) before I start my campaign. Currently, I am searching the net for suitable miniatures for the heroes to-be.


6 Mar 2012

Urban war Militia females with pistols - unboxing

Hey everyone!

Yesterday I went back to my WGS to try and pick up Urban war miniatures I've ordered. This time, I came later in the day, so I didn't have to wait for a guy being late, and there was this nice girl on the counter and I even got my pack at last, heh. As told before, I got it with -50%, but with 20% charge on top of that, so it was -40, but that is still good enough. Urban war range is more sci-fi than modern, militia males, for example, are too futuristic. But girls are okay.

Here is the blister as I got it:

(the price seem to be old, 8 pounds dont equal 12 euro for a while now, heh)
In blister, there were included 5 lipped 30mm round bases. I much prefer the look of those bases compared to regular 25mm slotta bases, but that 5mm is simply more place taken. If you're reading that Joe, since you're using them, let me know when its your birthday and Ill send you a gift, lol. Or maybe the birthday after, so I can accumulate more of them, hehe.

So, to the miniatures. Here are all of them raw, together. The guy is top row, first from left. 
Again, keep in mind those are now my first metal 28mm figures, so I might be too harsh or too light on comments. One thing I've noticed with figures was the ammount flash and everything. Below is the worst of them. While I was cutting the flash around her face, I accidently put too much pressure to the knife and chipped one of her glasses. I feel horrible, shes a nice gal. I should add, that my biggest problem was removing that fat blob you see on upper picture, lower row, left figure (in a coat, at her right hand)...that was a thick one and took some time to get rid of. Plus I had problems around the fingers afterwards. On this picutre, you can see the tibia guards she has on her boots. That is what most of them wear and it is the only thing that suggest they're made for sci fi, I guess, not a problem.
On the picture below, I've set them in a row. Nothing special here, just to show you how they look. They're from militia with pistols pack, so, obviously, they're armed with pistols. Some of them carry a bigger calibre, a desert eagle wannabe, so, in THW terms, a BA pistol.

And some comparison pictures, compared to WGF zombies and my zombies-to-become, to give you idea of scale:

Got Bonnie and Clyde shooting for their lives here:
...and Obvious Blonde shooting a zombie in his heart. Somebody here was too cool to listen to the zombie elimination classes.
And two brave girls defending from the attack of headless green ghouls down below:
Last picture shows you my sculpts, which, I may add, got some more shape since last post. Will work on them in the next few days a bit too and will show them on saturday. I've noticed Im doing something wrong, the height seems okay overall, but legs seem a bit short. That patient green has his legs finished and he looks like he hasn't ate in ages!

Thats all for today, I am satisfied with the miniatures, will use them as either survivors (and I count armed civilians in that class) or gangers. They're really nice and as with my first "unboxing" review, the main purpose of this post was to show you how they look when you get them. I got the idea of that kind of posts because I didn't want to make miniatures look bad if I won't paint them good enough and to help people see how miniatures look before paint hits them, in case anyone is ever interested.

Thanks for taking time!