16 Apr 2014

Insurgency rising - part 9

Hello guys,

I got three more insurgents to show today. I've painted those a while ago, but kept holding them back to push forward the terrain and scenario I've posted few days back. Okay, a week back - time really flies by!

We got three riflemen today, two of them armed with standard AKs and one has a British SA80 rifle. Again, not that it really matters.

Guy on the left has his balaclava rolled up as he rests. Apart from somewhat elaborate vest and camouflage pants, he wears civilian clothes. There's something about flashy blue snickers that appeals to me, so he wears those :P
Guy in the middle is more or less same as any other, but he wears a handkerchief to cover his identity. Being true to his "gangsta " spirit, he carelessly sprays with his AK, effectively wasting ammo!
Looks like insurgent's depot ran out out vests for the third guy and he had to do with a simple bag. It's an actual design and it's is actually meant to store  gas mask in it.
Not much else to say about them - they are grunts as any others and thus very simple. I have made a mandatory group shot of painted insurgents below. There is 12 of them now, which is close to half, but not quite there yet!

In other news hobby front is somewhat silent again. I'm painting another batch of insurgents (very slowly) and I've been converting some miniatures for the fantasy campaign, but over all it's all moving forward little by little every few days. I've been on a short trip today (to Čedad, a town founded by Julius Caesar that's especially known from the Langobardes). I took some photos and I'll post the more interesting ones in one of my random posts.

Thanks for looking,


  1. Great job mate coming along nicely. Sounds like an interesting place look forward to seeing a post about it.

    1. Thanks!
      It's actually a very nice little place, if you think about whole history that happened there.

  2. Looking good. Seems like the project is coming along nicely.

    1. Thanks! It has a somewhat steady pace, but not really rushing anywhere ever since I've done the conversions :P

  3. Great painting Mathyoo.
    Now they are painted, the conversions totally blend in, great job.
    Keep on plugging away at them.
    Love the blue sneakers.

    1. Thanks Bob!
      Right? Blue are nice, they don't come out that cool with any other colour :D.

  4. "Nice" insurgents. I think they will fit in so well with your others.

    1. Thanks Clint - if done well, they should be the chosen ones to start a rebellion - how isn't that spectacular!

  5. This is a great project you've got going here. Yep, time really flies.

    1. Thanks - I have found out 30 (27, even!) miniatures seem to bore me already as they're all the "same". I need to find some mutants to paint :D

  6. Hmm blue snickers (must be mint flavour):-)
    More good simple conversion work in evidence (bandana, wooly hat etc.), this whole force will be very unique, as the group shot shows.

    1. Thanks - I think they came out different enough not to be too obvious survivors and that not two are really alike - but there is not much to do unless I'd cut and reposition their legs.

  7. This is just great looking! Well done both on the converting and the painting.

    A group not to be taken lightly....

    1. Thanks! I can't judge on their skill yet - first game is still quite far away :3

  8. As you say, they're just mooks but every army needs faceless mooks. They're all nicely painted.

    1. Yes, there have to be some guys I can take off every turn without ending the game instantly, heh :P

  9. Looking good Mathyoo, minions ahoy!

  10. Still moving forwards. However slowly it might be, you're going in the right direction!

    I'm always interested to hear about your local sites of historical interest...

    1. Thanks - they will get finished eventually and then it's just half a year to get some good guys eventually and build some terrain and they should be ready for a game :P
